Man, all this talk of turkeys makes me want to run over to the Renaissance Fair, grab one o' those giant turkey legs and start gnawing away. Hey, speaking of "legs," er, well "limbs," I had to model an arm for a group project that I'm working on. The final model will be imported into Unreal Tournament 3 for the First Person perspective (e.g., holding, firing and reloaded the weapons in the game). In our level, the player's character is part of a science experiment. His name, Adam, is tattooed on his arm as well as a bar code and number. As an easter egg, I used the numbers from Lost (4 8 15 16 23 42). I actually completed modeling the arm, unwrapping the UVs, digitally sculpting the arm (to create the Normal map) and creating the Diffuse and Specular maps in only a couple of days. Again, this is super fast for me! The more I do this, the faster I'll get! The final model was a respectable 806 polys. I feel like I've come full circle--the first model I created using ZBrush way back in January 2008 was a female arm... and, looking back on it, it seems far more crude and disproportionate. I just might be getting better at this modeling stuff!